where has summer Gone?

I smell fall in the air.

So, today is officially my second day of writing, and I have no idea what to write about. Pathetic, hum? Well....let me just start with the weather. That's always a safe topic, right?

You know when you're outside in September, or sometimes August, and you get this feeling? The feeling is like this: a cool breeze rustles the leaves and brushes your face. You can feel the coolness and crispness of the air. It's different. Winds of change maybe? You know that leaves will soon be falling and that green will soon burst into flames of burgundy, gold, orange, and lime.
To some, they know that football season has started, to others, homecoming is just around the corner. People realize that summer is truly over, and the school/work year with all it's business has commenced. It's time to take a deep breath before you take the plunge, because once you start, there's no more turning back. Some see this time as a new year to start fresh and look at things in a new perspective, and "begin anew".

At the same time though, we realize that Thanksgiving and Christmas will be here sooner than we think. All the stores are already setting up individual aisles with decorations, costumes, and holiday necessities. The air has changed and we can smell the crispness of dry leaves, the bite of a cold winter, the familiarity of knowing that hot chocolate, apple cider, coffee, eggnog, and tea will soon be filling every ones glasses with holiday cheer. The familiar mulled cider scents, cinnamon sticks sitting on a pot on the stove sending their strong aroma through the house, potpourri placed in a bowl to welcome guests with its festive fragrance and last, but not least, the traditional pine and cedar balsam that comes with greenery gracing the mantles and stairs and a fur tree bedecked with bright lights and ornaments. It paints a perfect picture, doesn't it?

I know that these images aren't true for everyone, in fact very few people have the chance to experience these events; but I've had the blessing of getting to enjoy these things. They aren't as perfect as I've made them sound, but I try to make the best out of them. So yes, when I smell fall in the air, I know that these happenings are only months away and I thank God that I have a chance to enjoy some of his creations to the fullest.


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